School written 11 Plus English Exams
There are some areas (like Essex) or some schools (like Independent Schools) which write their own English 11 Plus exams.
The content of these English papers does vary but the preparation shouldn’t. Pupils once again will need very strong core English skills to perform well. Tests can and do include:
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary tests
- Spelling tests
- Grammar tests
- Punctuation tests
In some areas pupils are also asked to write their answers rather than these being multiple choice. Written answers to comprehension tests take a little practise because children need to be able to write clearly in full sentences. In some cases using a quote will also help them. Independent School tests tend to be more complex in this regard.
Children only face a creative writing test in very few Grammar Schools but will do in most Independent Schools. Those Grammar Schools which do include a creative writing element in their English 11 Plus tests tend only to mark them to differentiate children for the last few places (the schools cannot afford to mark all the scripts).
Independent Schools will tend to mark all the creative writing work they set so it is essential for pupils to improve in this regard. This can be particularly difficult in those homes where English is not spoken as the first language.
If you are preparing at home and would like some help and guidance on how to prepare then please go through to our 11 Plus exam papers and books section where you’ll find a lot of helpful advice.