11 Plus English Exams
What do 11+ English Exams Involve?
English 11 Plus exams do vary around the country but all require very solid core literacy skills- particularly a wide vocabulary. Most tests will include a mix of comprehension tests, vocabulary tests, use of English and some punctuation work. English 11 Plus exam preparation tends to be a longer and slower process than any other area but it is very important because 11 Plus English exams tend to be heavily weighted towards literacy skills.
Why is 11+ English Important?
It is important because English is included in pretty much every 11 Plus Exam around the country. Some exams written by CEM (Buckinghamshire, Birmingham Gloucestershire and other areas) include English but disguise it within its Verbal Reasoning heading. It is also important because English skills can take a long time to build up and cannot be rushed or your child won’t properly have developed them. There’s a lot of marks to be gained by having good English skills and a lot to be lost by having poor English skills. Therefore we suggest using our recommended books to ensure that your child has the best English skills possible.
What is in this section?
In this section, you can find the best resources for English that are available and have been checked by us so you can save your time, money and energy. We have broken these down into year groups which you can either find in the menu or below: