What is the exam format in Wirral and Liverpool?

There are seven Grammar Schools in Wirral- Liverpool that children will need to take an 11 Plus Exam to get into.

Calday Grange Grammar School                 West Kirby Grammar School

St Anselm’s College                                        Wirral Grammar School for Boys

The Blue Coat School                                     Wirral Grammar School for Girls

Upton Hall School

This advice applies to Calday Grange, West Kirby, Wirral Grammar School for Boys and Wirral Grammar School for Girls – GL Assessment two papers including: Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and English (Comprehension)

St. Anselm’s College sets its own papers consisting of English, Maths, Mental Maths and Verbal Reasoning.

Upton Hall School uses 2 papers produced by GL which include Verbal Reasoning and English.

The Blue Coat School has 3 papers provided by FSCE, they include: Maths, English and Creative writing.

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    Which 11 Plus Exam Preparation Options Are Right For You ?

    11 Plus Private Tutors

    • Personalised Work
    • 1-1
    • High feedback levels


    • VERY Expensive
    • Lots of work at home
    • Lots of travel

    11 Plus Tuition Centres

    • Structured work
    • Third party involvement
    • Some feedback


    • Some children don't progress
    • Lots of work at home
    • Lots of travel

    11 Plus Guided Courses

    • Structured work provided
    • No wasted time
    • Help and advice on hand


    • High parental commitment
    • Cost higher than DIY

    11 Plus DIY- Books

    • Parents in full control
    • Work can be totally tailored
    • Lowest cost


    • Difficult to plan well
    • Difficult to deliver well
    • Maximum parental effort